Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Salt Water Experiment Update!

COOL! It turned into ROCK CANDY!!!!!!!

The water level is waaaaaaay lower too!  

Friday, April 20, 2012

Salt Water and Evaporation

Purpose of this experiment: To find out if salt will evaporate with the water.
Guess: The salt will be left behind.

salt ( 1/4 cup & 1 tablespoon)
sunny window sill

1. Fill glass with water,add salt until saturated. 

 2. Mark line on glass at water level,write date next to the line.

3. Put glass in sunny spot.

4. Mark water line every few days.  Look for salt residue. 

Keep checking back to see how much water has been evaporating!

Friday, April 13, 2012

My Water Cycle Experiments

Hi!  My name is Nathan.  My project will be on how the water cycle works, and we're going to do some science experiments to see the water cycle come to life.  Some of the experiments we're going to do are exploring if salt evaporates with water (like in the ocean!) and the different forms water takes.  I hope you check back to see how I'm doing!