Friday, May 11, 2012

Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation

Purpose of this experiment: To remake the water cycle.
What I think will happen: It will start raining.

ice cube
2 clear plastic cups
hot water

 1.  Pour about an inch of hot water into the first cup.  Put the other plastic cup on quickly and make sure the rims are touching!!!!  The cups started to fog up because of the steam.  This is called evaporation.  The steam is called water vapor.

 2.  Put the ice cube on the top of both cups.  That made the air at the top cold, and that made the water gather into tiny drops.  This is called condensation.

3.  The tiny drops of water get bigger by combining.  Then they fall back to the bottom.  This is called precipitation.

I had a lot of fun doing this experiment.  I found out that steam can turn into droplets when they become clouds. 

Salt, Salt, and More Salt

Purpose of this experiment: To find out if salt will evaporate with the water
Guess: The salt will be left behind.
          Today I was so astonished that THERE WAS NO WATER AND ALL THE SALT WAS LEFT BEHIND!!!!!!!!!!

My hypothesis was correct!  I found out that when the water evaporates,it leaves the salt particles behind.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Salt, Anyone?

Today I checked my science experiment and I was startled by what I saw.  IT WAS FILLED WITH SALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I didn't think that it would be that full of salt.

The salt is left behind and stuck to the walls of the cup and the water evaporated into the air.                                        
                                                The water level is waaaaaaaaaay lower.

                                                                     That's a lot of salt.